Parathas| Indian flat bread, those who know me personally, will vouch my love for both cooking and eating parathas. . As such i am a great fan of one pot meal and to me Paratha is a also an one pot meal?. When i posted the triangle paratha, i wanted to try out the square paratha. But somehow missed it. Last week when i was scrolling in Instagram, i happened to see this masala square paratha in a restaurant page. This paratha can be packed for lunch box too as it stays soft even after few hours. So finally i tried this today for my breakfast. You can have this for lunch or dinner too. I have posted this Square paratha recipe with a quick video, so that it will be easy for beginners to get the shape.
Check out my other paratha recipes:

Check out my other paratha recipes:
Masala Paratha recipe
Preparation Time : 20 mins | Cooking Time : 5 Mins per paratha|Makes: 4
Whole wheat paratha | atta 1 cup
Red chili powder 1 tsp
Turmeric Powder 1/2 tsp
Cumin powder 1/2 tsp
Coriander powder 1/2 tsp
Garam masala 1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves few
Salt as needed
Ajwain| omam 1/4 tsp
Oil 2 tsp
Ghee to cook the parathas
Water to knead the dough
Video on how to make Masala Square Paratha
- In a wide bowl add wheat flour, ajwain, red chili powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala, coriander leaves and salt.
- Add water little by little and make it into a pliable soft dough.
- Smear 1 tsp of oil on this and knead for a minute. Keep it covered till you make the parathas.
- Divide the dough into 4 equal big lemon sized balls.

- Dust a rolling board or the kitchen counter top with dry flour.
- Take one lemon sized ball and roll it into a round roti. Let this be like a chapathi, not too thick.
- Drizzle 2 drops of oil on this rolled chapathi and smear little flour. Spread the flour on the chapathi.

- Now to make Square paratha, fold the sides of the rolled chapathi and bring it to the center.
- Bring the other 2 sides also to the center as shown in the picture.

- Repeat the same for the rest of the dough.
- Roll the folded ones into a square paratha. Dust whenever needed.

- Heat a griddle. Place the rolled square paratha on this and cook.
- Keep the flame medium low, to avoid the parathas getting burnt.
- Once it is cooked on one side flip it and cooked on the other side too.
- Smear ghee or butter or oil to the parathas.

- Once it is fully cooked, take it out from the pan.
- Repeat this for the rest of the folded dough.
- Serve hot with a simple raita of your choice.
- I made a spicy pomegranate raita for this square paratha. You can serve with any paneer dish too.

- You can add some finely chopped mint leaves to the dough.
- Finely chopped onions can also be added to the dough.
- You can reduce the spiciness according to your preference.