Mint tea | pudina chai | mint chai is a milk based tea with the addition of fresh mint leaves in it. Generally we add ginger or cardamom or tea masala for making chai | tea. When i did Women’s day Live on Jeyashri’s kitchen facebook, after the session Radhika made this mint chai for me. It was so refreshing and i enjoyed every sip of the tea. Later at home i tried this few times and also served for a friend who visited us directly from the office. The feedback for the mint tea made me to post the recipe of how to make mint tea. Try this simple refreshing tea with easy ingredients.
I am back after 3 weeks of vacation to India, for our son’s poonal(thread ceremony). The event went off very well and we are slowly coming back to routine. Stay tuned for new recipes. Thanks for your support always.
I am back after 3 weeks of vacation to India, for our son’s poonal(thread ceremony). The event went off very well and we are slowly coming back to routine. Stay tuned for new recipes. Thanks for your support always.
Mint chai | mint tea
Preparation Time : 5 mins | Cooking Time : 7 Mins |Serves: 1
Water 1/2 cup
Tea powder | leaves* 1 and 1/4 tsp
Mint leaves 6-7
Milk 3/4 cup
Sugar as needed
*I used tata gold tea.
- In a sauce pan add water and add the tea leaves | tea powder.
- Let this boil for a few seconds. Add the mint leaves to this.

- Boil for a minute.
- Add the milk to this now.
- Let the milk comes to a boil and once it is fully boiled keep it in a low flame.
- Let this boil for few seconds.
- Add sugar to this.

- Switch off the stove. Filter the tea and serve hot.

- Serve tea with any snack of your choice.
- The tea glass set which i have used in this picture is ordered through amazon.

- Always use good quality tea leaves | powder for making tea.
- Never reheat the tea directly on the stove top.
- Add sugar at the end just before switching off.
- Adjust the ratio of tea and milk according to your preference.
Nice one.. will try this soon ?
Thank you so much.
Very nice. I love the tea set!