Nungu sarbath recipe, a perfect summer thirst quencher recipe made using nungu and nanari sarbath. The addition of the sabja seeds enhances the taste. Growing up in Madurai, we have tasted this nungu sarbath many times. More than trying it outside, we used to make it at home. My mama used to get nanarai sarbath bottle from shop during summer. We used to make the plain sarbath at home and also the nungu sarbath too. The first taste of the nungu sarbath was in Kanyakumari, when i was in 7th standard. Vividly remember visiting the beach in Kanyakumari on a hot summer day and enjoying the nungu sarbath on the way back.
My sister was insisting me to post this Nungu sarbath recipe for a long time. Somehow i don’t get nungu in nearby Indian shops. Last weekend i went to Little India and happened to see this in a shop. More than me my sister is so happy that i am posting this nungu sarbath recipe in Jeyashris kitchen.

Nanari syrup is the one we get in most of the South Indian grocery shops, the syrup made using the sarasapilla root. This root is a natural coolant. Sabja seeds, nungu, nanari syrup combo is a perfect summer coolant. Try this out and enjoy the summer drink.
Recipe Cusine: Indian Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook time: Nil Serves: 3
Author: Jeyashri Recipe Category: Beverage
Description: Nungu sarbath recipe, a perfect summer thirst quencher recipe made using nungu and nanari sarbath.
Nungu 5
Nanari syrup 5 tblsp
Lemon juice 2 tsp
Sabja seeds 1 tsp
Water 1 cup
Ice cubes few
Method :
- In a bowl add the sabja seeds and pour 1/2 a cup of water to this.
- Keep it aside for 10 minutes.
- The sabja seeds must have doubled its size now.
- Place the serving glasses.
- Add the sabja seeds equally in all the glasses.
- Take out the skin of the nungu and wash it nicely.
- Mash this roughly with clean hands.
- Add equal amount of mashed nungu into each.
- Pour nanari syrup in the glasses. Divide the syrup and pour equally..
- Add the water.
- Add ice cubes too.
- Finally add the lemon juice.
- Mix well with a spoon.
- Serve immediately.
- Adding sabja seeds is optional, but since it is a summer coolant you can add.
- Instead of water you can add milk too and make it as nungu paal sarbath

Method with step by step pictures :
- In a bowl add the sabja seeds and pour 1/2 a cup of water to this.
- Keep it aside for 10 minutes.
- The sabja seeds must have doubled its size now.
- Place the serving glasses.

- Add the sabja seeds equally in all the glasses.
- Take out the skin of the nungu and wash it nicely.
- Mash this roughly with clean hands.

- Add equal amount of mashed nungu into each.
- Pour nanari syrup in the glasses. Divide the syrup and pour equally.
- Add the water.

- Add ice cubes too.
- Finally add the lemon juice.

- Mix well with a spoon.
- Serve immediately.

- Adding sabja seeds is optional, but since it is a summer coolant you can add.
- Instead of water you can add milk too and make it as nungu paal sarbath.